Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Birthday Kate!

Although she thought it would never get here, Kate finally celebrated her 21st birthday this week.  Since her parents have moved to another continent, we were unable to be with her and so she had to make due by celebrating with her roommates and friends.   I'm sure it was a real hardship.  

At the Great Wall in middle school
We attempted to be part of the party by ordering cupcakes for her birthday celebration.  Unfortunately, the bakery that we used did some remodeling the day before Kate's birthday.  And even more unfortunately the work took longer than expected, the bakery was closed an extra day cupcakes for Kate.  However, the story has a happy ending.  Kate's fantastic roommate, Rachel, called an audible and picked up some cupcakes from another bakery at the last minute.  Well done, Rachel!

I'm sure that Kate was also looking forward to being of age to legally have a drink.  Being of age is one thing; proving it is another.  You see, Kate lost her drivers license last month.  And as she is finding out, getting a replacement drivers license from the fine State of New Jersey when you aren't actually living in New Jersey is about as easy as passing a budget bill in Congress.  The process involves the folks at the DMV mailing her a form, which she returned with about a gazillion pieces of paper proving her identity, afterwhich the DMV promised to mail her a temporary license that she can trade in for a permanent one when she returns for their fine state.  The process is archaic primarily because very few people who live in New Jersey ever leave New Jersey for more than a week.  No temporary New Jersey license has arrived so Kate is probably one of the few people in Nashville using her passport to get into bars. 

Scuba Diving with an Octopus on her face

Kate and Grant when we lived in Beaumont
Happy Birthday Kate!

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